Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You know you live in a small town when...

I've been formulating this post in my mind for a while. I think I may have to do it in installments, so look for forthcoming editions. The country folk that read my blog won't find this nearly as entertaining as the city folk that do. But as I am now a transplant/hybrid of the two, I think it's hilarious. And yes, all of these have been/are true of one or more of the dinky towns we've lived in in the past year and a half.

You know you live in a small town when...

...there are more thrift stores than grocery stores is 70 miles to the nearest Walmart
...the lady from the post office remembers where you were sending that package you asked her about three days ago can walk from one end of town to the other in less than an hour
...the only grocery store is only open until 6 pm
...the courthouse, fire department, and town hall are the same building
...your town has to petition the state to retain its status as a city because it's the biggest town in the county
...the tallest building in town is a grain bin
...your branch is 100 miles wide, and you have church in a different time zone
...nobody knows the real names of the roads. They are referred to as "the road by Pizza Hut" or "the road with the car dealerships"
...the town was elated because they actually put in a Subway
...the fact that you visited your grandma or moved into town made the local paper
...if you're not a fan putting a funeral notice in the paper, you can just stick a note on the door of the post office live in town, and you still have to get a PO box


Receli said...

That really is an AMAZING list!

Sarah said...

That's too funny! Maybe one day, we'll have to visit but hopefully we don't blink & miss it!

farmerette said...

Too funny and too true!

Jess said...

Wow. I'm having flashbacks to my childhood. You really are getting the small town experience.