Thursday, February 3, 2011

Eliza Do-Little

After many months of living in the Dark Ages, Jenni is back online! Here are some catch-up picture posts, since that's what everyone really wants to see.

This post is dedicated to Eliza, since she hasn't gotten much face time on the blog. The most common comment I get about her is "Wow, look at all that hair!" So here's a tribute to the many dos of Eliza.

If a mohawk and a combover got together and had a kid, I think it would look something like this.
She's only about a month old here. I finally succeeded in getting most of the back to stay down, except for that stubborn little cowlick!
"Along with my awesome hair, I have a mean left jab!"
The picture doesn't do it justice, but you can see her blonde roots coming in. The line is so distinct when you're close up that it looks like she dyed her hair.

"My big brother loves to give me kisses, even on a bad hair day."


Holly said...

oh wow she's gotten so big! I miss her little face!

Unknown said...

She is SOOO cute! I love the picture with the little bow thing in her hair!

Melanee said...

Oh Jenni, she's so so cute! I love her. I especially loved the picture of her bad hair day and the kiss. Way too cute.

farmerette said...

I can't believe how fast Eliza is growing! As a baby who was bald until age 3, I think her hair is awesome! Good to see you back to blogging. I can't wait to read more of your adventures.

Malinda Jane Sieg said...

She is SO cute!!!!! I miss seeing you guys!

Receli said...

She so precious! Her hair reminds me so much of what Eliza Lane's looked like at that age. :)