Thursday, January 22, 2009

Half Marathon

This is it - I'm doin' it! I'm finally putting my new running shoes to good use and making the jump to half marathon. I started training on Tuesday with my friend Megan. It's going well; I'm not hurting nearly as bad as I thought I would be, though I can tell that making the time is going to be an issue. Aaron and Noah even ran with us this morning with the stroller :-)

We're running the Provo City Half Marathon in April. Let me know if you want to join the fun!


Malinda Jane Sieg said...

Hey Jenny, call me crazy, but I just signed up too! I have always wanted to do one! Also, you have such a cute blog. I'm so glad that you are my visiting teacher. You are so uplifting. Have a great day!-mal

J+S said...

Way to go!

Jessica said...

That a girl! Too bad you got pregnant and we couldn't run one while I was there... just kidding. Noah was COMPLETELY worth it!

BrittWilk said...

you are FABULOUS and AMAZING and MY HERO!!!